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Anne has been part of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America for longer than she wanted to share. For the Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance she brought her 380SE with over 400,000 miles, her daily driver. Today it is immaculate, but on any other day it is filled with her dogs and bales of hay.

A truly warm and enthusiastic Lady of Mercedes, June Platz has traveled the USA attending many concours displaying vintage Mercedes-Benz automobiles with her husband, restorer Bob Platz. Should you see June at one of these events stop and say hello. To learn more about June and the humorous story of how she met Bob…….as told by their daughter Mercedes, click here to read about it in the What's In a Name section.

Julie is truly a passionate and enthusiastic member of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Since taking on a position as a Director at Large with the club, she has become the National MBCA Treasurer. She has received the Member of the Year award from her section and Regional Officer of the Year. Julie can be seen on the track in her SL550 at many events. Way to go Julie… certainly are A Lady of The Mercedes-Benz Club of America. When you meet Julie at Local, Regional and National Events you will truly be impressed with her.