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Submitted by jkushnerick on Sat, 2023-11-11 06:11
ben and Cathe
Saturday, Nov 11, 2023 - 10:00am to Saturday, Nov 11, 2023 - 03:30pm

Members enjoy a Green Acres Day

Twenty-four members and guests participated in a “Green Acres” day of tractor driving on the acreage of members Ben and Cathe Kehe on Saturday November 11, 2023.  Ben took the antique 1950 John Deere model R diesel tractor out of the garage and members had the opportunity to drive it on the field adjacent to his home in East Tulsa.   The 8500 pound beast was the very first diesel tractor bult by the Deere Company.

For many members that did not grow up on a farm, this was a great opportunity to get behind the wheel and try your hand at steering it around the field.

In addition to the antique tractor, Ben had some restored Lawn Boys mowers and movie theater projectors and from the early 1930’s.


After each person had an opportunity to drive the green beast, members took a 30 minute drive to Chouteau OK to the Yoder family farm for a traditional Amish farmhouse family-style meal of roast beef, oven fried chicken, oven baked rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, noodles, green beans, and delicious apple and pumpkin pies for dessert.

The combination of events was a perfect for a fall day and the pre-Thanksgiving season.