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Submitted by DJdeJesus on Wed, 2023-10-11 01:10
Civil War
Saturday, Sep 16, 2023 - 01:00pm to Saturday, Sep 16, 2023 - 04:00pm
Fort Worth

Nineteen members in eleven cars visited the Texas Civil War Museum, one of the of the best-kept secrets in Fort Worth. The museum is the largest such venue west of the Mississippi.  Sadly, the museum will close its doors for good at the end of the year, with its collection likely to be auctioned off to different buyers. 

Participants learned about Texas' role in the war between the states, including numerous failed attempts by Union forces to take Texas territory and the battles fought by Texans alongside their comrades from other southern States.  Spared by the scars of war, Texas flourished while most of the former Confederacy struggled to recover.

The museum visit began with an excellent documentary on Texans’ participation in the Civil War.  We then proceeded to peruse the museum’s extensive collection of Civil War era weapons, swords, uniforms, flags and other artifacts which were all in superb condition.   Members also enjoyed a dedicated gallery of authentic Victorian Era dresses and the museum’s gift shop. 

After our museum visit, we took a country drive to Boo Ray’s of New Orleans, where we enjoyed a Cajun Creole lunch.